│ In Laymans Terms │ Minimax algorithm and Chess
We have already seen how to create an artificial intelligence that is unbeatable for the Tic Tac Toe game. Let’s now see how to solve a more involved challenge. How can we build an Artificial Intelligence that has an expert level at the game of Chess. We will actually see and understand what kind of algorithms was used by Deep Blue, the first Artificial Intelligence that defeated the Chess World Champion Kasparov in 19961.
The Chess Game
1. Chess Board
So, let’s see the game of Chess now.

2. Utility function
I have already mentioned, in the previous article, that we cannot use a naive brute force
approach to solve the Chess game because it supposes we can build a Tree containing at least $10^{40}$ states. With our current
technology it is just impossible. Indeed, a 2019’s computer has usually a multicore CPU (let’s say 6) and its frequency is around 2 to 3 Ghz. Ideally it means that the processor is able
to execute $3 \times 10^9$ operations per second. With $6$ cores, in a perfect scenario, the processor could execute 6 operations in parallel (even 12 if we have 2 threads per core). So
In the ideal scenario our basic computer could execute $12 \times 3 \times 10^9 = 3.6 \times 10^{10}$ operations per second. Let’s round it up to $10^{11}$. So it means that our computer would need to work for:
$\dfrac{10^{40}}{10^{11}} = 10^{29} \;\text{ seconds} = 3.1 \times 10^{21} \text{ years}$
So it is definitely not possible. Even if you consider the greatest supercomputer in the world. For example SUMMIT2 from IBM is expected to be able to reach $3.3$ exaops which means $3.3 \times^{18}$ operations per second on a specific genomic task. Let’s round this number up to $10^{19}$. Even with such a compute power we will still need:
$\dfrac{10^{40}}{10^{19}} = 10^{21} \;\text{ seconds} = 3.1 \times 10^{13} \text{ years}$
So we cannot construct such a Tree and as we need to build the tree up to the end of the game to be able to read the information: “I win”, “I lose” or “We tie” (this information is only available at the end of the Tree), we cannot use the
brute force
strategy with the game of Chess!
We cannot build a tree up to the end of the game but we can certainly build a tree with a certain height.
In our case, because we are dealing with a game, the nodes of the tree represent the different states of the board game. Hence, the height of the tree corresponds to the number of plies the algorithm will take into account before taking its decision. For example, if we have a tree with a height of $5$ then it means that our algorithm will analyze all the possible next $5$ moves. Let’s work out an example. I greatly simplified the Chess game to only retain a $8 \times 2$ board game containing only the Bishop and the Knight pieces. This dimensionality reduction is called an abstraction and is depicted on Figure 2.2.

Let’s explain in details the Figure 2.2.
- In the root node (beginning of the game), the White player starts. He can either move his Bishop or his Knight. Each one of these pieces has only
one possible move due to the space of the board game, Hence the white player can only execute in total $2$ actions. We then associate a Value to those 2 next
possible states based on the formula:
- Sum(white player’s pieces) - Sum(black player’s pieces)
- In both of these next steps we have: white bishop + white knight - (black bishop + black knight) $= 3 + 3 - (3 + 3) = 0$
- Let’s focus on the next state noted a on Figure 2.2. Starting from this state the Black player has 2 next moves. In the same fashion
as we did for the White player, we want to evaluate anyone of those next states. Using the same formula, we have:
- Sum(white player pieces) - Sum(black player pieces) $= (3 + 3) - (3 + 3) = 0$ in both of these next states
- Now, let’s focus on the state noted a2 on the previous Figure. The next possible steps starting from this state are noted a2.1, a2.2 and a2.3. As we can notice, in state a2.1 the Black bishop has been captured by the White knight, Hence the value in state a2.1 is $V(a2.1) =$ white bishop + white knight - black knight $= 3 + 3 - 3 = 3$
Actually. As we will see later, we only need to evaluate the state of the leaf nodes. Also, recall that in the case of the Tic Tac Toe game we could have expanded the Tree up to the end of the game. Unfortunately for the Chess game this isn’t possible. So, instead we can expand the Tree up to the next $N$ possible moves. For example the Figure 2.2 shows a Tree expanded up to the next $3$ possible moves (the height of the Tree is $3$). The thing is… After these $3$ expansions we still don’t know who won the game, so we need to come up with a metric to tell us how likely a certain state is better than another state. Here I have used a simple metric:
Sum(white player’s pieces) - Sum(black player’s pieces)
Where I have used the chess piece relative values. Hence From the White player point of view we want to end-up in a state that has the highest value (state a2.1). On the contrary, from the Black player point of view, we want to end-up in a state that as the lowest value possible (negative value) because it means that Sum(white player pieces) - Sum(black player pieces) < 0, i.e. Sum(black player pieces) > Sum(white player pieces), which means that we are in a state where the Black player has more valuable pieces on the board than the White player
Hence, we call this algorithm the minimax
algorithm because we try to maximize the metric while our opponent try to minimize it.
3. Branching Factor
It has been estimated that the depth of the chess game is $80$. This means that on average a game of Chess ends after $80$ moves ($40$ moves from each player). Similarly, it has been estimated that the branching factor of the game of Chess is $35$. The branching factor corresponds to the average number of moves a player can execute during its turn. Hence the game-tree complexity of the board game is $35^{80} \approx 10^{123}$, Yet, if we consider only the sensible moves (non stupid moves), the state-space complexity of the Chess game go down to approximately $10^{40}$.
The branching factor allows us computing the number of states we need to expand to be able to anticipate the $N$ next moves. The formula is simple: $35^N$.
For example:
- $N = 1 \rightarrow 35^1 = 35$ possible moves
- $N = 2 \rightarrow 35^2 = 1225$ possibilities if we try to anticipate the moves up to $2$ steps in advance
- $N = 3 \rightarrow 35^3 = 42875$ possibilities if we try to anticipate the moves up to $3$ steps in advance
- …
- $N = 6 \rightarrow 35^6 = 1.8e9$ possibilities if we try to anticipate the moves up to $6$ steps in advance
Hence, if we use the minimax
algorithm we could look ahead only about $6$ plies because a common CPU has a
frequency around $1e9$ and $1.8e9/1e9 = 1.8$ seconds. That means that the minimax
algorithm will take roughly $2$ seconds to determine the best next move to execute by analyzing all the possibilities $6$ plies ahead.
So that means that with our minimax
algorithm, and if we are using a common computer, our “Artificial Intelligence” takes 1 minute at each step to decide which action to choose by computing all the possible outcomes $6$ plies in advance.
Such a program is not incompetent but it can easily be fooled by an average human chess player that can plan $7$ or
$8$ plies ahead. We will see that, by using the alpha-beta pruning
technique, we can build an “Artificial Intelligence” capable of seeing $10$ to $11$ steps ahead, which already correspond to an expert level of play. But before We deal with the Alpha-Beta
pruning technique, let’s first explain the minimax
algorithm in details.
4. Minimax algorithm
Let’s suppose we are in a certain state of the game and we let the minimax algorithm expands the tree up to an height of $4$. This is represented on figure Figure 4.1.
Then, the second step of the minimax
algorithm is to evaluate all the leaf nodes using an utility function that we have defined. Figure I.3.5 shows the same tree where the leafs have been evaluated by the same utility function.
Once we have evaluated the leaf nodes (that is to say we have evaluate the states in which we will eventually be after $4$ steps in this example), we need to let every player to select what is the best action in each state. As explained earlier:
- our opponent wants to minimize the value he will get at the end of the tree
- we want to maximize the value we will get at the end of this tree
In the previous Figure, I have represented the states in which our opponent has to take a decision with blue circles, while the red circles correspond to the states in which we will take a decision.
As we can see on Figure 4.2, it is our opponent decisions (blue circles) that will lead us into the states of the leaf nodes. As our opponent wants to minimize the value, he will choose the action that lead us to the minimum value, mathematically, it means that our opponent will take the minimum of all the nodes (= the states) he gives birth to. This is represented on Figure 4.3.
In the same fashion, we want to maximize the values we will get in the end, so we need to choose the actions that lead us to the maximum of the values displayed in the blue circles. Mathematically it means that we will put, in the red circles, the maximum values of the nodes each red circles gives birth to. This is represented on Figure 4.4.
By continuing this process we will finally fill all the nodes of the tree with a value (see Figure 4.5) and the value at the root node will actually be a value of one of the leaf nodes because all the values were propagated from the leaf nodes up to the root node.
So, now, how to read the Tree presented in Figure 4.5? Well, … It’s simple. We just need to choose the action represented by the red arrow because $6$ is the biggest value ($6 > 3$ and $6 > 5$). Obviously, when we look at the whole tree, we see that there are some leaf nodes with a greater value than $6$ but we cannot end in these states because our opponent will take decision that will prevent us from reaching them (because we assumed that our opponent played optimally according to the minimax algorithm).
After we have used the minimax
algorithm, we move our piece on the checkboard. It’s then our opponent’s turn. Our opponent makes his move and then it is our turn again, At this point we use the minimax
algorithm again to be able to take the best decision based by looking $N$ plies ahead (in our example $N = 4$) and so on, and so on…
Hence, we will use the minimax
algorithm each time we need to make a move. Also, you should be aware that the strength of this
algorithm relies essentially on the utility function. If you have a bad utility function then your algorithm will perform poorly. Finally, you need to be aware that, in practice, instead of fixing the depth of the search ($N = 4$ in my example), we fix a number of seconds or minutes after which the algorithm should take his decision. Setting a timer after which the algorithm should take an action is better because:
- In some games you can be disqualified if you don’t take any decision within a certain amount of time
- In some states (start of the game/end of the game) the real branching factor will be lower than the average ($35$ for the Chess game), which means that the depth of the search of our
algorithm can vary depending on the state we are in.
5. Alpha-Beta Pruning
So we have seen an algorithm that can be used to create an “Artificial Intelligence” with a moderate level, but we don’t want this! We want an AI that can defeat pro chess players! This leads us to the alpha-beta pruning
technique, which is a technique that allows to avoid expanding useless states during the minimax
algorithm. Hence, because our algorithm won’t expand the useless states, it will actually be able to have a greater depth search. While the minimax algorithm could only look $6$ plies ahead under a reasonable amount of time for the game of Chess, the alpha-beta pruning
technique will boost our algorithm, and it will be able to look up to $11$ plies ahead. Let’s see how the alpha-beta pruning
method works.
To understand how the alpha-beta pruning
strategy works, we first need to understand in what order the Tree is expanded when
we implement the algorithm in a computer language. The alpha-beta pruning
(and the minimax
algorithm) are depth-first
search algorithms, which means that they expand the nodes from top to bottom and left to right. Video I.3.1 shows how the tree is expanded by the alpha-beta
As explained in the note, I simplified the video, as I didn’t show the value of both the $\alpha$ and $\beta$ variables at each step.
So let’s explain why, when we use the alpha-beta pruning
technique we didn’t expand $3$ branches of our tree.
Let’s firstly focus, at what happened when we where in this state described by the Figure 5.1
In the State described by Figure 5.1, the algorithm avoids expanding the bold dashed gray node because:
- the bold blue node is a minimizing node, it means that, even if we expand the bold dashed gray node, the value of the bold blue node will always be lower or equal to $4$
- Now, the bold red node is a maximizing node, so, it will take the maximum value of its child nodes. The left child node value is $5$ and the right child node value (the bold blue node) is $4$, but, we know, that, according to the first point, the value of this bold blue node can only be equal or lower to $4$
- So the value of the bold red node will not change and will be $5 = \max(5, \leq 4)$, so we don’t need to expand the bold dashed gray node.
Another way, to see it, is by using the contrapose:
- Let suppose we expand the bold gray node and we find a value greater than $4$ (the current value of the bold blue node). Let’s say we find the value $9$. The value of the bold blue node stay inchanged because it is a minimizing node and hence the value of the bold red node remains the same, so we could have avoided to expand the bold grey node
- Let’s now suppose we expand the bold gray node and we find a value lower than $4$. Let’s say we found $2$. In this case the value of the bold blue node is changed to be $2 = min(7, 4, 2)$ (minimum of its children). The bold red node is a maximizing node, so it will take the maximum value of its child nodes, i.e $5=\max(5, 2)$ in this case. So, again, the value of the bold red node remains the same, so we could have avoided to expand the bold grey node.
Let’s work out the second example depicted on Figure 5.2
We can reuse exactly the same reasoning that we used previously to explain why we don’t need to expand the bold dashed gray node. Indeed, as the bold blue node is a minimizing node, its value will always be lower or equal to $6$ (because it is the minimum value of its child node and $6$ is the value of its first child node). Hence, the value of the bold red node will remain the same because it will be $\max(6, \leq 6) = 6$, and so the parent node of the red bold node won’t be changed either, and so on, up to the root node. As it didn’t change the value of the root node, it won’t change the decision we will take (recall that the decision we take is solely to choose the move, that is to say, the child node, that gives the highest value if the root node is a maximizing node and to choose the move that gives the smallest value if the root node is a minimizing node)
Finally, the same reasoning can also be applied in the third example depicted on Figure 5.3
Again, the bold blue node is a minimizing node. It already has a value of $5$ because its left child node value is $5$. As it is a minimizing node, it’s value can only be $\leq 5$ from now on. Moreover, the bold red node (the root node in this case) is a maximizing node and so it’s value is the maximum of its child nodes. So the value of the root node will be the maximum of $3$, $6$ and a value that cannot be greater than $5$: $\max(3, 6, \leq 5) = 6$. Hence, if we don’t expand all the gray nodes, the value of the root node will be unchanged and so the decision we will take will be unchanged!
I hope, that, by now, you understand, how the alpha-beta pruning
algorithm works. Because this algorithm avoids to expand a lot of nodes (= states of the game) it will allow us to go deeper in our depth search. As I said before, instead of being able to look ahead $6$ plies like the minimax
algorithm, the alpha-beta
algorithm will be able to look up to $11$ plies ahead on a normal computer making it an expert level chess player. How can we push this “AI” a little bit further so that it might be able to beat the World Chess Champion?
6. Additional Tricks
Having an expert level kind of AI is good, how can we make this AI even better?
- Use a huge database of opening and ending.
- Why would it help? Because it will actually trim the tree search early in the game. Hence we won’t need to expand all the states early in the game and hence our search depth will be deeper. The ending database is usefull because, when we only have a few pieces of the board ($6$ to $7$) we can know exactly what are the best moves to use. Also, because these moves are saved in a database, they are precomputed and we don’t need to try every possible moves to come up with the best one again.
- Use a better computer and/or use several cores
- Why would it help? Well, the better is the CPU, the faster will be the tree expansion and the deeper our algorithm will be able to go when performing the search (
pruning). On the other hand, if we have a multiprocessor CPU (which is the case since 10 years) we can implement thealpha-beta
algorithm in such a way that the first subtrees are expanded in parallel (See Figure 6.1). It is possible because all subtrees are independent from each other. Hence, if we have a $8$ cores CPU with $2$ threads per core we could theoretically, in the best scenario have a $8 \times 2 = 16$ speed up. In practise we will more likely have a speed-up around $6$ (not $8$ because of some computational overhead due to parallelism).
- Why would it help? Well, the better is the CPU, the faster will be the tree expansion and the deeper our algorithm will be able to go when performing the search (
- Find the best value function.
- Why? Because our algorithm strength relies on the value function. If the value function is not good then our algorithm won’t perform well. For example, instead of using the common chess piece relative values we could use the rectified values
- Use a probability distribution and meta-reasoning
- What is that? Well, I won’t explain it, because I will need to write an entirely article to talk about any of these 2 concepts. The point is that there are many ways we can actually improve our
in order to reach a greatmaster level.
- What is that? Well, I won’t explain it, because I will need to write an entirely article to talk about any of these 2 concepts. The point is that there are many ways we can actually improve our
In this article we have seen how that minimax
and the alpha-beta
techniques work. These methods allow building robust artificial intelligence for certain board games. Indeed, with the alpha-beta
we can already build bots that have an Expert level in chess. All these techniques plus some others where used in 1996 to build Deep Blue
, the first AI to defeat a World Champion Chess player. This is cool but
so far we cannot really say that these algorithms are intelligent
. Indeed, these algorithms can be coded with if/else instructions and recursion
… Moreover these techniques are quite old now. We would like to learn
more recent stuffs. Don’t worry. The last 2 articles will deal with the game of Go. In the first part we will present and explain the traditional probabilistic method that was used to build the best bots before
the advent of deep learning methods. In the last article, I will dissect the Alpha Go Zero
AI. This AI was able to defeat the World Champion of Go. I promise you that, even if you’re not an expert in machine learning, you will be able to
understand how this AI works, so stay tuned, laymen!